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Saturday, March 7, 2009


· It's all about looks, who they hang out with, and personality.
· We look for guys who are cute, funny, good looking, smart and can make us laugh and feel good about ourselves.
· Confidence is the most important key, that you have respect for yourself! You can be dumb, ugly, living with your mom, broke or a simply a complete jerk. but this perhaps is about 80%-95% of what all women look for. everything else is just bonus points
· The ability to take care of themselves. Usually this where money comes to play, but really if he looks like he take care of himself they will think that he has the ability to take care of them.
· A certain physical attraction. He doesn't have to be Johnny Depp. Everyone is attracted to different things but the usually they all cue in a single feature they find unique and sexy. You really don't have to much control over this, so just take care of yourself and be confident in everything you do.
· Confidence, money, and your good looks, your style and body language. It will be easy to pick up girls if you fit in any of those 3 types, but if you are a wacky guy to hang out with, then you are probably dumped, well except for the gold diggers. Girls are irresistable towards me because I just have this face no girl can resist.
· It's difficult to say what women want in a man, because just like men are all different, so are women. Even personality-wise, some personality characteristics may be attractive to one woman, but irritating to another. Just focus on being yourself, and you'll find a woman who is attracted to you, not just some general, pseudo-you version of yourself that you've concocted to attract female carbon-based units.
· Girls always say and hint to the opposite of what they really want. If we say something and are laughing, we probably mean the opposite. Unless of course we are truly disgusted, and are not smiling at all. That is a huge stop sign. We don't want to say it, but we really do want you to hold us and tell us what you want from us. We definitely want you to make the first move.
· Respect, a good listener, someone who shows up on time and a few shared interests. Good hygiene is also a bonus. The occasional box of chocolates also goes down well.
· Most girls want a guy who is at least somewhat attractive. Not that plain-looking guys never get dates, but it is true that girls are usually more interested in good-looking guys. I do my best to look past the outer appearance and see the guy for who he really is. Girls like guys to be caring and sensitive (not overly so -- more like, you know when to quit doing something we don't like, or you can pick up on how we're feeling, which is easier said than done). Strength (physical and mental/emotional), confidence (but not arrogance -- huge egos are the biggest turn offs for us!), and just a desire to be around us. Never push us or make us compromise about where we'll go physically. We will see you as jerks and get out ASAP

· Different girls have different tastes. Don't be shy. If a guy likes someone, he should definitely flirt. Be playful. Being flirty is fun, but being flirty with everyone will probably scare a girl away because that may cause problems in the future. Just limit yourself to flirting with the girl you really like and don't be shy about asking a girl out. No risks means no results. Asking her out will show her you have courage and you aren't afraid of showing your feelings. Girls want someone that will always be there for them, so listen to them, give opinions, help them out through hard times. They want to feel beautiful. They want a guy that will always think she is beautiful.
· It is nice to have things in common, but having things not in common isn't bad either. It gives you a chance to see different points of view and learn new things.
· Being funny is a good thing because everyone loves to have a laugh. Being serious is a good thing, too. So what I mean is a balance of everything is good. No one has a perfect balance, so that's okay. Just look at your best qualities and see how you can use them.

p/s : Each woman is so DIFFERENT that it's hard to define this question.

cilaks @2:54 PM 0 Comments


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